Turning Your Website into a Revenue-Producing Website


What if your company website actually became a revenue-producing website?

If you would have described today’s online world to someone ten years ago, I’m not sure they would’ve believed you.

The ease of access to quality online content is astonishing. Google’s objective along with other search engines, is to provide the most accurate and relevant content based on the user search.

At the click of a button, consumers are empowered by lightning access to meaningful content.

So the potential of developing a revenue-producing website is more than realistic – as long as you understand the ground rules. Doing so requires much more than buying an online template. It depends on how astute your marketing or digital partner is in understanding the dynamics of online marketing. Specifically, I’m referring to understanding online user habits. Knowing how and when to introduce content to them, how to properly set up navigation and designing the pages for ease of flow and use. It also is based on understanding the category’s revenue-producing keywords and then applying proper keyword inclusion to the website – known in the industry as search engine optimization (SEO).

Online marketing also relates to what is called off-page SEO. This effort requires a website be promoted within related third-party sites which then provides credibility and traffic to your site.

Here is a list of solid practices to begin making your website a revenue-producing website:

• Understanding your prospect

• Quality branding and messaging

• Ease of navigation

• Proper site building techniques

• Speed of website loads

• Relevant keyword inclusion

• Strong call-to-actions

• Effective off-site link building

• Responsive design (mobile, tablet, desktop)


Of course, this is just a short list. But again, it goes back to the ability of your marketing partner and following proper standards.

The better one aligns to the standards set by Google, the better the opportunity of having their website visited by qualified prospects. Doing so will then help you retain online users within your website longer – increasing the opportunity to generate revenue from them. It’s a methodology and process that requires due diligence but can reward greatly if done well.