“SEO isn’t rocket science.” That’s what most ad agencies will tell you. “Search engines make it so easy that a chimpanzee could do SEO, right?” Well, yes. And if you handed the right tools to a plumber, he could do brain surgery. Sort of. But most of us wouldn’t want a plumber doing brain surgery on us. Hence, Med School.
Google Certification, like Med School, requires hard work, dedication and hours of study. This examination process weeds out the lazy and the average. Google Certification also gives a certified SEO expert the sort of proficiency and insight that the average chimpanzee plumber just can’t muster. Isn’t this the sort of edge that your company and products deserve? Here’s what your brand gets when hiring a Google-certified SEO professional:
Google Analytics Certification – This certification is a comprehensive examination focused on Google Analytics implementation and data analysis. A Google Analytics Certification ensures that a website’s traffic is fully optimized. This in turn improves the site’s organic ranking and the business’s ROI.
Google AdWords Certification – This certification provides the certified SEO strategist the Google PPC seal of approval. By having this certification a business is assured that only the best practices of pay per click marketing are being used and that they see a return on their investment no matter the ad format.
Google Display Advertising Certification – The Google Display Network is the new umbrella brand for Google’s display media properties, including YouTube, Google properties, and display partners. This certification equips the SEO strategist with the fundamentals of maximizing video and display ads to create greater click through and lower bounce rates.
Google Reporting & Analysis Certification – The Google Reporting & Analysis certification measures your skills of SEO analysis using Google Analytics, Website Optimizer and the AdWords Report Center. This certification improves communication and streamlines reporting for better ROI.
Currently, there are only 91 individuals in the US who have been certified in all four of these Google certifications. One of them, we are happy to say, works here. Of course, you can always have an amateur do your SEO or PPC campaigns. We just don’t advise it.
We are a Dallas Advertising Agency specializing in developing integrated branding and advertising including SEO, SEM and SMM.