#AgencyLife According to the Intern

Advertising Agency Internship

Hi, I’m Brittney and this is my take on agency life when you’re the marketing intern at Agency Creative. My first day I arrived an hour early. Nervous. So I backtracked to the nearest Starbucks to waste some time before my big day. I spent the next 45 minutes running through a million questions—important ones […]

You Absolutely Need a Food Photographer. Here’s Why.

food photographer Dallas - Agency Creative

With smartphones and social media, it seems like everyone is a photographer these days. Especially when it comes to food. So, if your business is food, you might be thinking, “I don’t need a professional food photographer. I can just snap a pic in portrait mode.” Well, hold that thought. Because you absolutely need a […]

The Right Balance Between Proactive and Reactive Healthcare Marketing

The Right Balance Between Proactive and Reactive Healthcare Marketing

Healthcare marketing is reactive by nature. People don’t search symptoms until they have them or look for emergency care until they need it. But that’s the past. Let’s look to the future of healthcare marketing, where acting proactively builds brand awareness and market share for your company long before a patient needs it. But how […]

Is #AgencyLife the Right Life for You?

Is Agency Life the Right Life for You? #AgencyLife | Agency Creative

There are a lot of myths and legends surrounding working at ad agencies. I remember sitting in a college lecture hall with my professor warning us about how we would work 60+ hour weeks and never eat a home-cooked meal again. Others nodded their heads in agreeance. Somehow it’s become common knowledge that all agencies […]

Influencer Marketing Tips and Tricks for the Restaurant Industry

Influencer Marketing Tips for Restaurants | Agency Creative

Social media was first and foremost a platform for individuals to share their life events. Over the years, our feeds have been infiltrated with paid advertisements. It’s hard to think of a time when there were no businesses on social media. Recently, Facebook has changed their algorithm (yet again) to limit business advertisement space and […]

Creating an effective lead generation dashboard

Award-Winning Dallas Marketing and Advertising Agency | Agency Lead Generation Dashboard - Creative based in Dallas TX

As a marketer, you’re probably responsible for generating leads and then nurturing those leads so they turn into customers, resulting in revenue for your company. No pressure, right? Also, as a marketer, you probably have to prove what you’re doing is working. With everything going digital, there is SO much data at our finger tips. […]

Focus on KPIs Over Metrics for Business Success

Key Performance Indicators

No doubt, there is a lengthy spreadsheet floating amongst the office with rows upon rows of data. But is anyone using it to its full potential? While it is a good idea to track everything just in case a metric becomes important later, it’s not helpful for tracking KPIs. Luckily, there are digital tools that […]

Restaurant Marketing: Bringing Millennials to the Table

Restaurant Marketing: Bringing Millennials to the Table

Restaurant Marketing to Millennials There are two things we know about Millennials and how they choose restaurants. One, rarely do they make a dining decision (or any decision, really) without consulting their phones. Two, whether the experience was great or not so great, they’re probably going to share it in social media. So, how do […]

How to Use Facebook Lookalikes to Reach the Right Audience

How to Use Facebook Lookalikes to Reach the Right Audience

You already know Facebook advertising is an incredibly powerful marketing tool. You’re probably already hyper targeting ads to your customers like a boss. Maybe you’ve even taken a swim through Facebook’s fancy Retargeting tool to reach prospects who’ve interacted digitally with your brand. But chances are, there’s one Facebook marketing tool you haven’t quite pulled […]

Marketer, Meet Dashboard. 2018’s Must-Have Tool

Marketing Dashboard - Agency Creative Dallas TX

As marketers in today’s landscape, we’re blessed with a plethora of marketing channels, platforms, and capabilities but also burdened by it. How do we decide which avenues to explore? Which to abandon? How do we track the spend, performance, and effectiveness of each? How can we compare one tactic to another easily? Answer: Marketing dashboard!