8 Tips to Make Your PSA Campaign a Success

PSA Announcements

Public service announcements (PSAs) have always provided great opportunities for ad agencies to flex their creative muscles and give back to the community. Developing good creative is usually the part that comes easy. Making an impact with a Public Service Announcement from a media standpoint is not quite so simple. To make this work, you […]

Are Hotel Reviews a Predictor of Hotel Success?

Online Hotel Reviews

Remember back when you could only find hotel reviews in fat little guide books that taught you the secrets of traveling abroad? Now our travel guides are, well, us. We write the reviews on everything from meals to movies to hotel accommodations. Thank you, Internet.

How Hotels Can Better Market to Millennials

Hospitality Marketing to Millennials | Agency Creative

For years, hospitality marketing catered to the baby boomer business traveler. We used airline points, reward programs and fresh-baked cookies to lure this loyal road warrior as they flew from business meeting to business meeting. But today, the target audience is shifting to the millennial. Marketing to millennials is a different beast.

Do User Generated Reviews Influence Hotel Booking?

Do User Generated Reviews Influence Hotel Booking?

Today, social media impacts consumer buying decisions in a way few people would have ever imagined. This is particularly true for the hotel industry. A recent study conducted by Pennsylvania State University sheds light on how user-generated reviews and ratings impact individuals looking to book a trip out of town.

Is TV Everywhere changing how people watch television?

TV Commercials - Agency Creative Dallas TX

In 2009, Time Warner Cable introduced the concept of TV Everywhere––a model that allowed subscribers to access television content across multiple platforms. Since that time TV viewing habits have seen a dramatic shift.

Healthcare Marketing Trends

Healthcare Marketing Trends Doctor - Healthcare Marketing Agency Dallas TX

These days healthcare marketing has its hands full. From the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to retiring baby boomers, 2014 is going to be a year of significant change. Here are 5 significant trends we think healthcare marketers need to get their arms around: