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Has Google Violated Our Trust?

Recently, an anonymous source shared thousands of leaked Google Search API documents with Rand Fishkin, CEO of Sparktoro and former CEO and co-founder of Moz.

Google SGE Impact

Google’s Impact on Your Business

Google launched Search Generative Experience (SGE). This will have a negative effect on your company’s website ranking and site visitors. Have I gotten your attention yet?

Content Marketing 101

Content Marketing 101

What exactly is content marketing? Let’s start with what it’s not. It’s not a sales pitch. It’s not advertising. And it is just barely marketing.

Local SEO tips

5 Things to Never Forget in Local SEO

Politicians have a phrase: “All politics is local.” Oddly enough, the same can be said these days for search engine optimization, or “SEO.” Local SEO, as the name implies, is

Google Mobilegeddon

Google’s Mobilegeddon

It’s not the end of the world, but it may be the end of online search as we know it. Google has launched a new algorithm (nicknamed “Mobilegeddon” by pundits)

The Google Certified vs. the Amateurs

“SEO isn’t rocket science.” That’s what most ad agencies will tell you. “Search engines make it so easy that a chimpanzee could do SEO, right?” Well, yes. And if you

PPC Shopping Bag

PPC Tips for a Better Cyber Monday

Black Friday – the Friday before Thanksgiving – has long been the most important day on the retail calendar.  But these days, online marketers have another day to plan for: